About Me

(Ph.D., MSTAT- Member of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique)
“The unexamined life is not worth living” (Socrates)

Harriet AndersonI am a teacher of the Alexander Technique based in Brighton & Hove (England) with a teaching practice also in Vienna (Austria), where I lived for many years and regularly visit.

As well as teaching the Alexander Technique on its own, I also teach its applications to presentation skills and vocal development. I work with individuals on a one-to-one basis and also run workshops and lead professional development seminars for a range of institutions, above all in the education and healthcare sectors. My book The Thinking Teacher’s Body: A Practical Guide to Teacher Well-Being, Vocal Health, and Development appeared in 2015 (book).

I am happy to work with anyone who would like to work with me.
I qualified as a teacher of the Alexander Technique in 1999 after attending a three-year training course (1600 hours) and reaching a standard recognised by the International Affiliated Societies of Teachers of the Alexander Technique. I am committed to professional development.

In addition to my private teaching practice in the Alexander Technique, I was also a Lecturer at the University of Vienna. There I taught a wide range of courses, including one on speaking and presentation skills. Because I have a background in university teaching and public speaking, I am particularly interested in helping teachers benefit from what the Technique has to offer them.

I have run many workshops and seminars for institutions and professional groups as part of their development programmes, including the University of Education Vienna; the University of Music Vienna; Ergo – Association of Austrian Occupational Therapists; OPEC; British Council Vienna.

I started my professional life as a researcher, teacher and writer in Austrian Studies. After studying at the universities of Cambridge, Freiburg i.Br. and London, I moved to Vienna to continue my researches into Viennese women’s literature and history. This lead to a doctorate, a major publication by Yale University Press, and my Habilitation at the German Department of the University of Vienna.
Although I am no longer active in academic Austrian Studies I continue to write about whatever happens to interest me.

In all areas of my life I find that the Alexander Technique is both an immensely practical tool and a source of inspiration.